Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Ooodles of stuff!

There will be few words and mainly pictures of things spun, created, and knitted. Let me start with the spun.
A tisket a tasket a handspun yarny basket!

Basket of yarns

Here are the yarns individually inside I'll put the description below the picture.

Coral reefThis I named "Coral Reef" there is approx 125 yards of 3 ply merino wool. I really like the colors in this yarn, and Navajo plying is another thing I have become to really like.

Hanspun sunsetThis yarn is from the same dye pot as coral reef. Dyeing is a learning process and ohhhh I'm just learning. The specs of this yarn is a bulky yarn, my mind doesn't want me to remember the yardage of this yarn and I know I didn't write it down. This is also 3 ply yarn.

Sailors delight I don't really know what to think of this yarn, it seemed to have a mind of its own when spinning. I was kind of disappointed with the result at first but now it seems to be growing on me. I have named it "Sailors Delight" there is 183 yards of 2 ply and in merino wool. Colors are light blues with hints of pinks and purples.

no name yet This little lovely has no name yet, I believe there is 30-something yards, 1 ounce of yarn. I have 3 more ounces of the same roving. Amanda Cathleen purchased the roving for me somewhere....She'll remember and I'll correct this later. This is also spun up in 3 ply (navajo ply) seeing a trend here with the 3 ply? I'm hooked!

Black baby alpaca being spun Here is my beloved alpaca that is currently on the wheel. I intend on keeping this yarn and knitting something up for myself. This is planned to be spun up and in (you guessed it) 3 ply.

I blogged a WHILE back about some gloves I was knitting, they have been done and doing an awesome job at keeping my hands warm and toasty. Here are a few pix of them. The pattern was taken from a couple patterns and morphed into my own that I wrote down and I'm sure I'm the only one that can understand it. It was just one pattern to make a universal glove so they both fit either hand, I'm not sure if all glove patterns are like that but thats how mine turned out.

Finished Gloves Finished Jupiters

Fingers shot

Now there is something that I like to mess around with that. Polymer clay. Nuff said so here's what was created. Yes I named it cause that's the kind of girl I am.... "Rusty limes"

rusty limes

I have worked hard on this post. I must go and get ready for work all. Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of you holding the mug with your gloves on! Fab gloves!
I can tell you that I bought that fiber at the PA fiber festival from the lady with all the bunnies. Not exactly helpful I know!
Beautiful bracelet, very cool color combo.

Anonymous said...

Love your spinning! Those gloves are awesome! I've seen them in person. You did a really great job on them.
That's a very nice looking bracelet.